Intellectual Property Has The Shelf Life Of A Banana. - Bill Gates
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Intellectual Property Has The Shelf Life Of A Banana. - Bill Gates

Bill Gates Quote in English

Intellectual Property Has The Shelf Life Of A Banana.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates Quote in Hindi

बौद्धिक संपदा में केले की शेल्फ लाइफ होती है।

बिल गेट्स

Bill Gates Quote in Gujarati

બૌદ્ધિક સંપત્તિમાં કેળાની શેલ્ફ લાઇફ હોય છે.

બીલ ગેટ્સ

Bill Gates Quote Hinglish

Bauddhik Sampada Mein Kele Kee Shelph Laiph Hotee Hai.

Intellectual Property Has The Shelf Life Of A Banana. - Bill Gates
बौद्धिक संपदा में केले की शेल्फ लाइफ होती है। - बिल गेट्स
બૌદ્ધિક સંપત્તિમાં કેળાની શેલ્ફ લાઇફ હોય છે. - બીલ ગેટ્સ
Bauddhik Sampada Mein Kele Kee Shelph Laiph Hotee Hai. - Bil Gets